Lunar – Q4 ’23 Report

In the fourth quarter of 2023, Lunar Fund demonstrated a remarkable turnaround in its financial performance, showcasing the resilience of its investment strategies within the blockchain-based revenue streams of staking protocols, liquidity positions, LP rewards, and token releases. 

During this period, the Fund achieved a net gain of $141,743, resulting in a robust ROI of 64.27%. Lunar started Q4, 2023 with assets totaling $220,534 and concluded the quarter with assets amounting to $362,277. This impressive recovery underscores the potential for positive returns in the blockchain space and reaffirms Lunar’s commitment to delivering value to its accredited investors.

Furthermore, in our ongoing efforts to enhance transparency and provide investors with greater visibility, the entire Lunar Fund portfolio is now held on-chain, and we have made the public address of the fund available to all investors for real-time tracking. 

You can access and monitor the Lunar Fund portfolio by clicking here.

We appreciate your continued trust and support as Lunar Fund strives to navigate the ever-evolving blockchain landscape while delivering strong results and transparency to its investors.